November Recap

The Sandbox - Metavers
November 2, The Sandbox, a game platform created by French people and based on blockchain, lifts $ 93 billion to compete with the giants of the metarers. The creators' project? Giving users who can create and monetize their own NFT inside the game. With more than two hundred partnerships with celebrities and brands, The Sandbox offers a hybrid metavers between sponsored land and powers given to the user. Via a “Pay-to-Earn” system (playing to win), The Sandblox allows its users to financially make the time spent inside the game and generates a diversified economy in the fashion, architecture sectors, architecture Or the show inside his metavers.
Twitch - Among Us
November 9, on Twitch , streamers test online for the first time people with disabilities on Among US video game . An idea of Société Générale which has teamed up with the famous video game to raise awareness of disability and allow people with disabilities to be better represented in video games. Thus, the user can, for example, choose a prosthesis when creating their avatar or an unwanted character who compensates for his hearing reduced by a much more developed vision. An innovation that could ultimately be widespread in video games.