June Recap

Cannes festival - Influence marketing
On June 7, Allociné declares that it has identified 13 million cumulative views On all of its content dedicated to the fortnight of the Cannes Film Festival. Anton Racca, a user of the Tiktok social network with 3.6 million subscribers on his account, was very in sight (750,000 spectators on his "Red Carpet Live" of the evening elvis With Warner, broadcast by Allociné). In addition, Mélanie Toubeau, alias "La Manie du Cinéma", directed a documentary video for Allociné "What is a Cannes film? In the company of Guillaume Bachy, Vice-President of AFCAE (French Association of Art and Essay Films). Finally, the writing of Allociné highlighted via the production of innovative formats, including a "trip" on the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle in search of Tom Cruise.
Coca-Cola x Jack Daniel's-Co-Branding
on June 16, Coca-Cola and Jack Daniel's join again to propose To their consumers a can containing the famous cocktail. Exit in a limited edition in the summer of 2021, the Whiskey-Coca can will this time be marketed in a lasting way at the start of the 2023 school year in the Drinons des Supermarkets. Law Evin obliges, the two brands will only be able to advertise it via the written and radio press, on certain time slots.
Amazon - connected objects on June 22, at a press conference, Rohit Prasad, first vice-president of Amazon for Alexa unveils a new feature for her vocal assistant: the possibility of imitating voices , especially those of deceased. Still in the test phase, the launch of this new feature has not yet been announced.
tf1 - media
On June 28, TF1 cedes to Reworld, the first French group in terms of held media, its unify of digital media center with around 300 employees including fifty having a press card.