Influence marketing: the reasons for a success story

written press, radio, television ... so many ancestral advertising channels - which was believed to be not very undoubtedly - and which are however threatened today by the emergence of social networks like Snapchat, Tik Tok or Instagram. YRSA tells you everything about influence marketing - which consists in relying on opinion leaders to promote a product or an ideology - and the vertiginous growth it has recorded during the Health crisis.
If we believe the figures of the American company of B2B HubSpot, the budget spent by brands in influence marketing increased from $ 6.5 billion in 2019 to 13.8 billion in 2021. A little more than double. And should, in 2022, reach 15 billion.
How to explain this dazzling progression? Is it only the fact of the health crisis and the upheavals that it generated on our daily habits and on our way of working? Or was this phenomenon intended, by its modernity and its adequacy with the uses of new generations and the evolution of our society, one day punctured the advertising screen?
Here are three reasons which would explain its boom.
1/Optimization of e-commerce functionality
Social networks are adapting to the market and added Features that create new, more transparent purchasing experiences for consumers. These adjustments allow Internet users to more easily access the information that interests it on the products concerned and facilitate the transition to purchase. Each user has a tailor -made algorithm to guarantee a personalized experience that perfectly responds to his interests and which shows him the products that correspond to his lifestyle or at least that would be likely to be part.
2/ The basis of influence marketing: the use of data
The influence marketing industry based on data offers a more optimal efficiency and greater efficiency. To follow the frantic evolution of the Internet, an approach to data focused on data has become necessary. The data is in the process of becoming the key to influence marketing success for the coming years in the face of an increasingly saturated audience flow.
3/ employees who improvise influencers
For the sake of more authentic content but also for innovative purposes, more and more companies encourage their employees to act as influencers or even to become ambassadors to promote brand products and share their experiences. A method tested and validated in view of the considerable impact on sales and the positive image that this innovation has aroused in brands that have made this bet. In addition to boosting their sales, several studies have clearly demonstrated that it had caused greater reliability and greater confidence in these brands on the part of consumers. H & AMP; M, L'Oréal or Starbucks are flagship examples.
In conclusion, influence marketing has undoubtedly become the trend of today within brands that advocate modernization and adaptability. But like all good ideas, and given the impact it generates, it could very quickly become the norm. So the competitive advantage would tend to disappear. Like piracy, innovation never stops.