Benchmark: How to stand out in the face of competition?

benchmark - or "parangonage" in French for cruciverbis - is the collection of information on your competitors concerning the way in which they communicate on social networks. The objective is simple: understand why they have more subscribers than you and make sure to bring them back in the right path (yours) .yrsa explains how to do in three stages:
1/ Identify the competition:
Some do not present any difficulties because you already know them or because they have inspired you to set up your business. On the other hand, for competitors who are less easy to identify or whose existence you simply ignore, here are some ways for quality tracing: do research on Google: a l 'Help of the right keywords but also and above all thanks to SEO services that make it possible to list and locate all the companies that evolve in your sector of activity. Analyze the hashtags: By peeling all the publications that contain hashtags related to your field of activity but also those containing hashtags that you use in your own publications. In addition, a hashtag, even in appearance in your sector, when it arouses significant traffic, is often worth a look. Listening to your subscribers: Knowing their opinion is imperative. In addition, it may well be that by exchanging with them, you discover or rediscover competitors that you had little or poorly identified. For this, there are two schools: quantitative study and qualitative study. It is a flatness, but each has its advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, one of the two is necessarily more suitable than the other according to your audience.
2/Harvest data:
Now that you know who You have to do, it is a question of studying the strategy of your competitors on social networks in order to detect their strengths - which you will inspire -, and their weaknesses, which will allow you not to redo the same Errors. Here is an example of data that you can collect: - Social networks on which your competitors are present, and the frequency of their publications.- The number of subscribers, Interactions on their publications, but also the evolution over time and any insights (positive or negative) which can impact it.- The type of content they publish to find inspiration or even energize the themes that You have neglected.
3/Compare this data with a view to developing a strategy that stands out:
after av OIR identified your competitors and collected the data that interests you, it is time to make a comparison that will then allow you to define or redefine your strategy on social networks. To do this, the SWOT - Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (which for once are clearly better than "parangonage") - will allow you to effectively compare the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors on social networks, in order to 'Develop a strategy adapted to the market and more effective than that of your opponents. However, they too can take an example from you, and readjust their strategy. Like piracy, benchmark never stops.