(Almost) everything you need to know about Google Ads

This is the Dunning-Kruger effect. The more we think we know, the more we realize how incomplete our skills. Google ADS, this service that allows advertisers to buy banners or advertisements from advertisers, becomes more complex each year. Several of its features go completely unnoticed, others no longer work as before. YRSA invites you to discover - or rediscover - some little -known functioning of Google Ads.
1/ Google does not charge more than two clicks on an ad:
For printing by a surfer from the same Google Ads announcement, he is not billed to the advertiser that two clicks at most (and this even if the number of printing is counted in dozens , even in hundreds). At first glance, it may seem very advantageous. But the logic would like to pay only one click by printing. However, by the game of clickable extensions (annex link, call, place, price or even promotion), an advertiser may find himself paying up to two clicks from the same internet user.
2/ The end of the random rotation of the announcements:
Google Ads recommends creating a single responsive ad (RSA) by advertising group. This does not prevent it from choosing between two broadcast options, either random diffusion, the diffusion of the most "efficient" announcements. Random diffusion is very useful during the A/B testing phase but it is done in a manual and not systematic way, which generates the dissemination of two distinct ads.
3/ The most efficient performances are not necessarily the most broadcast:
if the Google ADS algorithm wants to be the broadcaster More efficient, it often turns out that it broadcasts the announcements that are less so. It is then imperative to closely monitor the performance of your ads (CTR, CPC, conversion rate) and their diffusion rates instead of completely recovering from the algorithm and its choices. You can thus guarantee the success of your campaigns and make sure you get the results that suit you.
4/ Google Ads also broadcasts extensions automatically:
The Google ADS extension manual setting method can automatically broadcast extensions, based on the elements appearing on the advertiser's website. These automatic extensions are of three types: additional links, site extracts and hooks.
The system can also automatically disseminate merchant's advice extensions, but these only diffuse when certain criteria are met; They can never be configured manually.
A priori, extensions are elements whose content must be controlled, in which case it is necessary to deactivate the automatic extensions one by one. Automatic extensions are launched by default: to deactivate them, these steps must be obviously respected.
5/ Negative keywords are always exact :
When the Internet user enters the search engine a so-called "exact" keyword (typed in hooks, a keyword that should allow you to arrive directly on the advertisements in which it is Integrated), Google ADS's algorithm takes into account variants of this keyword and therefore can redirect the Internet user towards content which does not respond exactly to its research. On the other hand, in the case of a so-called "negative" keyword, that is to say a keyword for which advertisers spent money so that the Internet user does not come across their ads if The user between this word in the search bar, the algorithm no longer covers any derivative and sticks to the exact keyword.
within a year, a month, or perhaps even tomorrow , new features will have, that we will have to learn to master again. Like piracy, Google Ads never stops.